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Digital Skills Observatory | Interview 1

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DSO Interview 1 Dataset | Surveys conducted: February/March 2016 

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Group: Control or Treatment
53.1% 46.9% GenderMaleFemale
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A first look at some general information about the respondents. The first part of the interview focuses on some basic characteristics of the respondents. 

Gender and Marital Status

For the first round a total of 210 respondents were interviewed after screening: 112 men and 98 women. More than two third of the group was single, the remainder was married, engaged or separated.


Ages of the respondents range between 16 and 40, although the vast majority are in their twenties. The average hovers around 24.

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Marital status

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67.5% 30.6% Marital StatusSingleMarriedSeparatedEngaged, living together
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Number of respondents by age

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Respondents' level of education

Filter by General Q13: Do you have a certificate from completing that education?
52.2% 23.9% 15.8% General Q12: What level of education do you …Secondary (Form 1-College)CollegePrimary (Std. 1-Madrassa)UniversityPost primary vocational training
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The most common level of education among the respondents is secondary education (52%). About a quarter has finished a college education and a tenth university. 


Roughly a third of the respondents are self-employed or run their own business. Only 21% indicate they have regular employment, with a larger group dependent on casual work. Some 35 respondents (17% of the total) are dependent on others for their main source of income (either as children within a household or as recipients of remittances).


For those with monthly incomes, the main income averages below Ksh 10,000. The majority of the respondents receive their main income on a daily, weekly or irregular basis.

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How often do you earn your main income?

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Respondents main source of income

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30.6% 24.9% 21.5% 12% 5.3% General Q6: What is your main source of inco…Self-employment or businessCasual work or vibaruaRegular employmentChild dependent on others in householdRemittances from friends and familyTemporary work contractsAgriculture (including crops, livestock, dairy)Dependent on parents outside the househ…Housewife dependent on spouseNoneNot working yet, still schooling.
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Monthly income from main source and respondents' age

General Q7: How often do you earn your main income?: Monthly
General Q8: How much do you earn in your main source of income …30,00020,00010,0000Age010203040
Showing all 76 results(Load more...)
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T1: Do you own a computer?

89% 11% Technology T1: Do you own a computer?NoYes
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Technology & Smartphones

In the second part of the interview the respondents were asked about their use of technology and smartphones.

Only a small minority of the respondents (11%) own a computer themselves but in total a majority does have access to a computer in some way -- mostly in Internet cafes.

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T3: Where do you have access to a computer?

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T2: Do you have access to a computer?

56.5% 43.5% Technology T2: If you do not own a computer,…YesNo
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T10: How did you get your smartphone?

78.9% 21.1% Technology T10: How did you get your smart…BoughtGiven by family member or friend as gift
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All respondents do have access to a smartphone and more than three quarter of the respondents have bought their own. The remainder got their smartphone as a gift. 

Having multiple SIM cards is common among the respondents. Most respondents have SIM cards from a top three of operators: Safaricom (46%), Airtel (35%) or Orange (14%).

Read more about the results on Technology & Smartphones

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T4: Do you have multiple SIM cards?

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T5: From which operators do you have a SIM card?

50% 32.3% 12.6% Technology T5: From which operators do you …SafaricomAirtelOrangeYuEquitel
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Multiple answers per respondent possible.

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D3: How do you use Digital Financial Services?

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Multiple answers per respondent possible.

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Digital Financial Services (DFS)

In the third part of the interview the respondents were asked about their use of digital financial services (DFS).

  • 60% of the respondents has ever used DFS, 40% hasn't.

  • Most respondents use DFS for transactions, saving money, and paying bills.

  • Common self-reported challenges are network problems and transactions to the wrong person.

Read more about the results on Digital Financial Services

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D10: What challenges are you facing with Digital Financial Services?

30.8% 20.1% 15% 25.2% DFS D10: What challenges are you facing with…Network problems / delaysWrong transactionNo challengesHigh chargesFraud(57 other)
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Multiple answers per respondent possible.

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In the last part of the interview respondents were asked about how they learn about technology. One line of questioning focused on the information gained from the manual of their smartphone.

Almost 30% of the respondents say they didn't get a manual with their phone. Since 21.4% of the respondents got their phone as a gift from familiy or friends, this seems logical. 

Of the 149 respondents with manuals, a small majority (57%) said they had not used it. The 64 respondents that did use their manual almost unanimously (94%) felt they have learned something from their manual.

The vast majority of respondents learned about using features on their phones from friends or family members (46.2%), with their neighbours coming in second (19.7%).

Read more about the results on Learning

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(If answer to L2 is yes) L3: Did you learn anything from the manual?

93.8% 6.3% Learning L3: Did you learn anything from the …YesNo
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L4: What else or who else did you learn from on how to use some of the features on your phone?

61% 16.2% 10.5% 5.1% Learning L4: What else or who else did you le…Friends or family membersOther SpecifyNeighborsOnline on the internetComputers/Mobile phone Sellers(2 other)
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Last updated: 1 week ago